Sunday, April 30, 2006

oh puhleez...

if i have to hear/read/see anything from someone who had never picked up a camera in their life before digital (and have all of a sudden become a 'photographer' overnight) say something along the lines of "its the lens that makes the photo" or "the newer and more expensive your camera is, the better your pictures will be"


case in point was earlier on when someone said that the lens makes the photo, that if you put a shit lens on a good camera you will get a shit photo... and then went on to say how amazing it was that someone could use an old brownie and take a great photo.

no shit sherlock... its not the equipment thats to blame, its the idiot standing behind it that has no idea that is to blame.

taking 3000 photos of the same bloody thing from minutely different angles and then picking the best 50 to put online does not make one a photographer...

geez... im a spring chicken in the land of photography, i wouldnt dare call myself a photographer, and yet i am starting to relate to how all these older, experienced traditional professional and hobbyist photographers are feeling now that there are suddenly millions upon millions of 'experts' shooting out advice when they have no fucking idea how to actually take a photo.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

much ado about alot of things

so where do i start? well, midsemesters are in full swing and in just over 10 hours i will be in my first biochemistry exam... to be followed up 3 hours later by my first organic chemistry exam. got 63% on molecular biology exam for very minimal study beforehand.

the only one that worries me is the inorganic chemistry exam on the 4th of may... heres why.

sometime around the start of this month, say, the 5th of the month, i came home with my broken down scooter on a maxi taxi ($25 poorer) to find an express-post envelope from the real-estate agents that manage the house we live in.
of course when one sees these envelopes one opens them. one does not expect for the letter inside to inform you that you have exactly 3 weeks to find a place and move out because the owners have suddenly decided they want to renovate and put the house on the market. (yeah, suddenly, as if you wouldnt be thinking about it for months in advance...)

funnily enough, the two exams i am having tommorow are exactly 3 weeks from the date of the letter and were technically scheduled for the day we had to move out. i wasnt going to stand for this if it was just the owners wanting to renovate, so i rang them up and told them i couldnt do that day because i had 2 exams and could we please extend the lease a week.
it was all fine. so woo and i had to start looking for a place to live.
with only 2 weeks that were 'useable' (easter long weekend just happened to occur during those few weeks!) we set about house hunting.
actually, a relatively painless experience given the extreme lack of properties available at the time... sure, there were some real shitholes that were too small to breathe in (and hence way too expensive) but in less than a week we had found a gorgeous house not far away from where we currently live, and much closer to where we do all our grocery shopping.
two applicants for it, and we were the lucky ones. so, the big day is in a week...
hold on you say... you are moving house on the 3rd and have an exam on the 4th?

yeah. so now you see why im worried.
im going to be so bloody tired and have no time to study, not to mention that there is no way im going to have everything moved and this place clean by the 3rd... but, supposedly i cant defer the exam because its not a medical reason.
well fuck that, i cant MOVE any other day, how is that any different? its an unavoidable circumstance, at least i let them know 2 weeks in advance! if worse comes to worse i can always pretend i threw my back out moving house and get a medical certificate (which will be bullshit as i have a prac the day after which i will need to attend!) i dont want to do that because its just lame and i dont want to have to pretend anything.

going to speak to student admin tommorow and see what my options are with deferred exam due to unavoidably having to move house!!

other than that, ive picked 5 pumpkins, which means that the 4 that are left have exactly 10 days to grow before i pick them and turn them into pickles.
woo is on holidays up in the tropics with todd and im plenty jealous... its freezing here (but supposedly its raining there!)
work has finally moved out to murarrie. goodbye to $5 of fuel every week and a half, its probably going to be more like $15 of fuel every week and a half....