Wednesday, February 23, 2005

i would kill for a week off

its true, i would absolutely kill for a week off.
uni is going back next monday, and im taking 3 subjects as well as working ~35hrs a week.
basically means 2 full time workloads, im going to be so damn busy that i really wish i had taken a week off recently.

oh well... no time to freak out about it now, ive got to get into it!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

more hilarious stupidities as performed by my sister

it was not 2 days ago when we were driving down from the coast that my sister said "hmmm, we'll be getting bills soon, id better do my budget so i have enough!"
to which i replied "yes, we will, theres cable and phone due, maybe a power bill too"

so 2 days pass and the bills come in. i work out how much she owes and i tell her so, saying that i can spot her for now but i need it soon as its going on my credit card.

she replies "WHAT?? why didnt you tell me we had bills? when did you find out we had bills?... oh man... ive got so much to pay off on my credit card and i havent even paid for my insurance or RACQ yet... i cant afford bills!!! im going to have to borrow money from mum and dad!!"

hmmm... strange. she only go ther credit card 2 weeks ago... how much could she have to pay off?
I thought i would pursue this enquiry a bit further.

"how much do you have to pay off on your credit card?" i asked.

"well, i just went and joined a gym today, so ive got to pay that off" she replied

"and how much was that?" i asked. She had been speaking to me about going to a gym, and i thought she was going to be paying monthly. couldnt amount to much...

"$700" she replied "why did i have to join today... i didnt know we had bills coming!! i cant get a refund either!"

at this point i got a little bit pissed. "well, you know all these bills come out of my credit card and it adds up to interest that has to come out of my pocket..."

at this point, she went psycho. speaking to me in that annoying condescending way that she does when she thinks shes right and im being stupid.

"oh no... dont you try and make me feel guilty about not having any money, its not my fault. i didnt know there were bills coming! and what about you? you never have any money... you spend your money so stupidly and irresponsibly, you cant talk...." and so on and so on.

im not trying to make you feel guilty, dearest little sister, seems your doing a good enough job of that already... turning things around because you know you fucked up.

I asked her for examples in the past few months to back up her statement. she didnt have any, but insisted that she was the logical spender and that i should just shut up.

lets look at my recent expenditure shall we?

a new laptop backpack, so i wouldnt have to kill my back from walking to work with my satchel on, after seeing my sister and hearing all her whinging from having a sore back and visits to chiros and massage. An expensive bag i know, but it could hardly be called a splurge when its for my own health. And yes... it came out of my savings for just such a purpose.

2 tops and a pair of pants = $50 hmmmm... yes... very very expensive *rolls eyes*

$100 = her birthday presents. a camera bag for the expensive digital she has been leaving lying around, and some nik-nax. because shes my sister and i love her.

$300 = rego. a killer for anyones budget. happens every 6 months you know. once again, a dig into my savings.

Christmas = well, we all know about that.

plus the usual paying rent and bills and food and petrol that happens in day to day life.

yes, im such an illogical and irresponsible spender, especially seeing as i will be back at uni next week and having nothing to spend anything on (i.e. my savings account is going to be well stocked for earthcore this year, not to mention having enough for a complete overhaul for the bug.) as i will have my head buried in books and no time to go out.

But of course, im the illogical one, im not the one that goes and spends $700 when i know we have bills.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

cherry has time-out

took cherry up to parents place this weekend. this was originally planned as the precursor to my selling or parting her out.

it seems my parents got other ideas when they realised i made it up the coast with no hitches, no noises and a back seat full of parts. they were wondering why i was going to sell a perfectly functional car just because its got a fucky clutch.

so cherry gets some time-out and a few months of respite under my parents car port.

complete with a new clutch and all the rust repairs she can handle.

seems like shes going to stay mine for just that little bit longer:)

Friday, February 18, 2005

fuck you my dearest, fuck you

dont try telling my sister that you are tired from walking to work every day (6kms) in the hottest part of the day (2:30pm)
because SHE used to walk to the station (2kms) every day (at 8am) and back (at 5pm) for a total of 4kms when the temperature is NOT 30 degrees, with a very heavy backpack on her back.

of course EVERYTHING that my sister does is so much more difficult than anything that i do

so so tired

this whole walking to work thing is really wearing me out.
perhaps it wouldnt be so bad if i didnt have to do it at 2:30 in the afternoon when its 30 degrees...

im feeling super sick today :(

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

356 b

porsche 356b cabrio, slate blue, tan top, fully badged, over-riders and stock wheels with nipple hubcaps. TOTALLY RETRO... UNBELIEVABLE CLASSY.

i saw this beauty on the way to work yesterday, the 3rd one i have ever seen.

made me feel a little better, as 2 of my fish died.
you cant help but feel a little special when youve seen such a beautiful porsche.

everyones an open book

Originally uploaded by asterope.
so why do we feel the need to talk so much?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

cherry, my bitch... how i sap my energy for you.

very depressed at the thought that i may have to sell cherry.
infact, i really cant think of selling her.

i would rather walk/take public transport than sell her to buy a newer normal car.

so, what do i do... do i sell her and save up to buy a newer car
or do i keep her and save up to buy a newer car
or do i keep her, buy a bicycle, and save up to fix her really really well?

right now im liking the bicycle idea as it will keep me super fit and give me a hobby to work on the car.

i live in the city... i dont need a damn car. all i need a car for is to get home at night (ive got lots of ppl who dont mind giving me a lift) and to get around in the rain (theres busses and taxis for that)

imagine how much money i will save not driving around... well over $3000 per year!!

which means that in 1 year, i could save up enough to buy a newer car and FIX cherry!!

in 2 years i could save up enough to buy a nice newer car and fix and PAINT cherry!!!

thats it... im getting a bike!!!

the difference between science and religion

science is the study of the pure structure of the universe... everything that can be "seen" (detected/created/destroyed) is believed.

religion is the study of the creator of the universe... never seen, but fiercly believed.

religion seems so irrational when seen through the eyes of science

science knows no boundaries

Dolly expert is to clone embryos
The creator of Dolly the sheep has been granted a licence to clone human embryos for medical research.

Professor Ian Wilmut and Kings College London scientists will clone early stage embryos to study motor neurone disease (MND).

This is the second time the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has given such permission.

Critics maintain that testing human embryos is immoral. Others question the potential benefits of the work.

Professor Wilmut said it will mean MND can be studied in unprecedented detail.

Therapeutic cloning for research has been legal in the UK since 2001 and it would be only the second time the authority has given consent.

Our aim will be to generate stem cells purely for research purposes
Professor Wilmut

The professor's team was the first to apply for a therapeutic cloning licence in the country.

Up until now, scientists have wanted to create cloned embryos to see if they can be grown into tissues to repair damaged body parts.

But Professor Wilmut's proposal is different as he does not plan to grow healthy replacement tissue.

Instead he aims to deliberately clone embryos that have MND from patients who have the condition.

Professor Wilmut, of the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, says cells from the embryos can be used to study how the disease progresses in very close detail.

He also said the cells can be used to try out new drugs to see if they stop the disease from progressing.

MND is caused by the death of cells - called motor neurones - that control movement in the brain and spinal cord.

Muscle weakness

It affects about 5,000 people in the UK. Half of people with MND die within 14 months of diagnosis.

Weakness in the muscles that supply the face and throat also cause problems with speech and difficulty chewing and swallowing.

The aim is to study what goes wrong in the nerve cells of patients suffering from MND.

This is a very exciting development
Professor Roger Pederson, Cambridge University

Patients groups said studying human embryo cells might provide more information than animal experiments alone.

Those opposed to the research said the work is unethical, unnecessary and a step toward full blown human cloning.

However, Professor Wilmut has previously stressed that his team has no intention of producing cloned babies, and said the embryos will be destroyed after experimentation.

He said: "Our aim will be to generate stem cells purely for research purposes."

The MND Association has endorsed the project.

Professor Roger Pederson, professor of regenerative medicine at Cambridge University, said: "This is a very exciting development. It will enable the disease to be studied throughout its development.

"It's very likely to work."

He dismissed concerns that the technology might be used to clone a human being, saying there were strict UK laws that prohibited the transfer of any such embryo to a woman's womb.

All human cloning is intrinsically wrong and should be outlawed
The ProLife Alliance

But Dr Donald Bruce, from the Church of Scotland's Technology Project, said unless there was a global ban on cloning there was still a threat.

"Science does not know any boundaries."

A spokesperson for Comment on Reproductive Ethics (CORE) said: "Human cloning remains dangerous, undesirable and unnecessary.

"Alternative therapies and research with adult and umbilical cord blood stem cells are already providing safe and ethical solutions in this field of medicine."

Julia Millington of the ProLife Alliance said: "All human cloning is intrinsically wrong and should be outlawed.

"The creation of cloned human embryos destined for experimentation and subsequent destruction is particularly abhorrent.

"We all welcome advances which enable scientists to halt the progression of motor neurone disease but not at the expense of human embryos."

Professor Richard Gardner, chair of the Royal Society working group on stem cell research and cloning, said the United Nations was meeting to discuss the form of a political declaration on human cloning.

"As national science academies all over the world have stressed, we want to see the message made clear.

"Individual countries should be allowed to make up their own minds about therapeutic cloning, but extending these techniques to attempt to produce a cloned baby is scientifically unsafe, ethically unsound and socially unacceptable."

Thursday, February 03, 2005

girl with hair ribbon

girl with hair ribbon
Originally uploaded by asterope.
its done, done, done :D

when packaged foods attack!!

who could have thought that cottage cheese could be so deadly?
i have quite badly sliced two fingers on my right hand trying to get the lid off a tub of low fat cottage cheese.
what could bring such a packaged health food to execute such a vicious attack? could we be seeing even more serious attacks from heavily guilt-ridden foods in the coming months?

the only thing we can do is watch and wait... and maybe use gloves.