Saturday, July 31, 2004

very dissatisfied with microsoft as a company

but very satisfied with tooheys extra dry as a beer.

Friday, July 30, 2004

my previous crappy journal

can be found here...

beware that it is crap, though it is filled with mushrooms.

feeling particularly rotten today

i dont know wether im worn down or pissed off.
everything hurts and nothing works.
people getting on my nerves, the weather is pretty shitty.
the house is a mess and none of its mine
and what is this sleep thing people keep telling me about?

feeling rotten, feeling crap
want to crawl into a ball and fade away

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

final thoughts on the subject of cherry

why should i spend my tax return and money for my pc on buying a volvo to drive around in while i restore my bug, when i could use the money from my tax return and pc on starting to restore my bug?

all i need to do is get that noise fixed and get the electrics fixed. thats enough to get me driving it around again, get it insured and have some left over to start a resto.

i really am loathe to give her up, shes such a cutie

hopefully i can get someone to come around today and tell me whats wrong with her:D

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

THAT feeling

you know that feeling you get when youve worked your way thru as much of an exam as possible and then you have to go back to the questions that you have no idea about?

i attribute that feeling to lack of alternate technical support. for my mid-semesters i am going to politely tell everyone to fuck off. for my finals i might lock myself in my room and not come out except for work, toilet breaks and tea. Im pretty determined to get 6's or more this semester, 7's would be great!

and theres still ham in the fridge, not only that, but i cant find my mobile phone charger...

n=3 l=1 ml=+1 ms=+1/2

chemistry, chemistry chemistrychemistry chemistry, c h e m i s t r y. . . . .

my thoughts for the day?
theres a tosser in my house and its making me feel really uncomfortable, a real fuckin CHAMP. my face is screwing up just thinking about it. i have no idea who he is but hes put a packet of ham in our fridge and THAT makes me feel really uncomfortable. i dont particularly enjoy opening up the fridge to find a pack of "shaved leg ham" staring out at me. really puts me off my food. my sister seems to like him alot so im going to have to put up with ham in the fridge in the future.
this only proves to me that i could never date a non-vegetarian.
i should start charging for technical, emotional and culinary support.
some boys seem to have this weird smell about them, some boys dont. i like the ones that dont.

no but seriously, the only thing i can think about is chemistry, got to get up at 5am to study it for 2 hours before i have to leave for my exam.
that, and the shaved ham thats sitting in the fridge polluting everything with its presence. what the partial pressure of ham gas particles are, and the rate of effusion of the said particles into my yummy ravioli pasta.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

damn these computer things!!!

found a wicked internet radio station called philosomatika, playing some very excellent psytrance. i defintely think thats going to be a very nice edition to my fave links!

getting a craving to learn unix and get into mac hacking... sure be a hell of alot harder than windows/pc hacking! its fun having a new toy to play, learning lots about the way OS X works, enjoying something that doesnt crash all the time and does what its told

thought of another parallel between technology and organic life/the evolution of the human brain. Ive been reading too much sci-fi of late, its making me think in really funny tripped out ways that are keeping me entertained and awestruck...the future is a great place, cant wait to see it

and once again the little guy gets screwed over

mr stephen p osborne... i dont think the DOOR on your shitty little 95 festiva cost $4.5k to get fixed, nor needed legal fees on top of that.

you big guys may indeed get away with fucking the little guys up the arse in the beginning, but its your karma that you will have to live with. im just a student who works to support herself and try make something with her life, i tried to do the right thing by you and you just threw it all in my face for the money.

remember me when you are lying on your death-bed in 10 years time, getting eaten away by a huge cancer, asking yourself what you did to deserve this.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

thoughts on life and technology

life seems to eventually beget sentience
sentience begets technology
and technology begets life

think about the parallels of the human brain and the computer chip

thought for humans is just a series of electrical impulses traveling down a nerve, carrying information
thought for a computer is just a series of electrical impulses traveling across a circuit, carrying information.

when you shoot your bot enemy in a computer game... you are killing a life.

good thing they spawn so quickly... i was beginning to feel guilty!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

and now for something completely different...

a macintosh that works on the QUT network