Monday, December 19, 2005

excess weekends

wether it is because i have had an excessive weekend, or just need excessive weekends, my weekend was excessive.

didnt get to chris' 21st gangsta party, kinda feeling bad but there was no way for me to get home...
went and sat around at jyames instead and talked about his upcoming (maybe) big promotion, his upcoming big macintosh (yay! a convert!) and basically got told that the bike ride i had asked him wether he wanted to join me on was cancelled because HE wanted to go riding ALONE. gee thanks.
very pissed, very stoned and very stabbed in the back with a blunt pencil... you would think he had the decency to sharpen the damn thing first...
its ok, but its not ok... im holding my breath and overlooking it because even though he has been acting like the worlds biggest asshole these past few weeks, i know he isnt. its just that time of the year again when he becomes the worlds biggest brown-nosing twatt and does everything thats "cool" because that way he doesnt need to think for himself. You know that time... summer party time... suddenly hes in live with all the people he bitches about to me for the other 8 months of the year. much as this sounds like a scathing bitch session, i really am overjoyed for his good fortune in hopefully securing a VERY BIG break for the future, getting a management position is no laughing matter and is going to mean some pretty impressive skills for any resumes in the future!

saturday morning consisted of a hangover from the previous evenings frivolity, coupled with extreme nervousness and lack of anything particularly outstanding to wear.
Yep... i had a date.
a particularly moreish young man that i had met the previous weekend while i was out at showgirls with kirsty... yes, i met this guy in a strip club and we then proceeded to spend the entire time at the strip club commenting on the social and economical conditions that drive girls to become strippers. i could have offered some personal insight but chose to keep my mouth firmly shut. anyhoo, we then spent most of the night discussing issues of worldwide repute in the valley before i went home.
the date went pretty well, he came and picked me up and did some grocery shopping before going to new farm park and having a tapas picnic under a nice big shady tree. we talked about everything and nothing, wiggled our toes in lush green grass and smoked a nice spliff and got mellow. it started raining pretty hard so we walked back to the car, dumped the picnic stuff, went walking barefoot around the park and waited for one muthafucker of a storm to sweep over the city... absolutely beautiful! went up to bowen tce and sat looking over the city waiting for the storm to roll in, then sitting there while the storm did its thing...
i was extremely drenched by the time i got home... all in all a fabulous first date!
hes 22, very metro, very intelligent, very sweet and for some reason im just not sparking! i dont know what it is but it could have something to do with the fact that i really want a girlfriend. a definite attraction to the same sex tends to put a damper on things. still, im going to see him again sometime this week and see how things go from there... hes a really very cool very trippy guy and id like to give it a chance.

saturday night was pretty boring... cooked some dinner, watched some dvds, smoked a spliff and then stayed up all night watching teenage fanclub programming rage. spent a bit of time reminiscing about ye olde indie days and singing along to all the songs i know and love and havent heard in such a long time...
note to self... buy some teenage fanclub albums!!!

ursula finally came home on sunday after spending who knows how many days at todds.
we spent sunday cleaning the house without a vacuum cleaner and doing a bit of grocery shopping.
sunday afternoon spells cocktails at the pavillion, and 4pm was the start time for some serious work colleagues cocktail debauchery. had a good crowd turn up, a few of them i wasnt expecting.
about half of us stayed out until 11pm, drinking drinking drinking and eating curry for dinner...i have no idea how much i had to drink but i do know that i feel extremely crap today so it must have been alot.
either way it was a pretty good night!

i guess this is what normal people who dont work every weekend get up to on their weekends... excess weekends lead to excessive weekends... dammit... i wish i hadnt put myself on the roster so much.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

phully sic weekend bruz...

what can i say?
earthcore was an absolute blast! truly the best fun ive had in years! (well, it had been 2 years since i had been to an danced the entire night away, completely high on life and caffeine.
and took a crapload of photos in the process! (provia 100 on medium format... kiss kiss kiss... i love it i love it i love it!!)
its true... TLR's make people smile :D
the venue was absolutely stunning...unbelieveable views all around and the trees and wildlife were amazing... not to mention the people!! everyone was just so happy to be there and so friendly... not a hint of the usual clubbing come-ons, which is quite refreshing!
a great mix of music... the highlights for me would have been propellerheads, hired goonz, peretz (very strange but rather surreal mix of music and vocals...) and of course, hallucinogen/shpongle/simon posford...
i ran into some people i hadnt seen in years, and quite a few people i wasnt expecting to run into at all!
about 1/2 the people we came with dropped pills at around 9pm, and spent most of the night on the ground, doing the usual things they do when they are chopped (i.e. not a damn lot) funnily enough they were all the first ones to leave... 7:30am... boy did they miss out!!! strange how the sober/straight ones had all the energy to go till the end!

took monday off work, and good thing too... i could hardly walk i had been stomping so hard! it was a real mission to get to the shops and buy milk! stayed at home reading all day... (Peter F. Hamiltons new one... judas unchained, the sequel to pandoras star... yes, its kick-arse sci-fi, but nowhere near as scary!) then watched some SBS... i finally got to watch an episode of queer as folk!! seeing as how ive missed most of season 5, im going to have to buy the series on dvd... yes, i know its just a well-filmed and written gay soap opera... but dammit! im addicted :D
also watched a pretty cool swedish film called "making babies" which had the most awesome, realistic and hillarious sex scene in it (yes... just the one) which brought a smile to my face just thinking about the times id done it in the kitchen :P

back to work today... still smiling and happy... until the boss comes in and tells us that bianca is coming back tommorow...