Thursday, January 27, 2005

almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea

in 2 days i will be 25.
i have nothing to show for it
i dont know how i feel about that.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

3-2-1 Lets Jam!

tonight i finished watching the entire cowboy bebop series, possibly the best anime i have ever seen!!
i guess you could say i have been glued to the couch for the past 7 hours... addictive and imaginative stuff!

my cowboy bebop theme song is tank!

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?

Thursday, January 20, 2005

words of advice for young people

word of advice for young people:

always look out both sides of the car and check all your blind spots when reversing and trying to avoid your neighbours very badly parked car.

it also helps not to think about how much his visitor snores at night and wether you will be getting any decent sleep tonight.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

next doors ex wife

snores like a fucken huge pig set to repeat...

i havent slept very well in 2 weeks, can you tell?

Monday, January 10, 2005


karma will come to those who take from others.
you will be found by your own concience and leveled to the ground by your own pathetic life.

came home from cocktails with the girls last night to find my palette, apron and 3 brushes outside the neighbours house.
walked in the gate and i find my paints and brushes and marvin the martian case gone. ursulas was also stolen, which was also full of paints.

so obviously some dipshit that likes to paint walked past our place, saw we had paints and paintings, and decided to nick off with our equipment.

HOW LAME. fuck you very much i hope your karma eats you up and you die on your own vomit.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

girl with hair ribbon

girl with hair ribbon
Originally uploaded by asterope.
finally gotten off my bum and started this painting!

now to finish it (shouldnt take too long... what with 3 colours, black and white to work with!!!) and figure out where its going to hang... i suggest the living room :D

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

a little cheesed off today

when a person you consider to be your closest friend stuffs you around for something as small as going down to the park to whack a ball around... you get a bit narky.

lets just say its been the past 2 days that i have been supposedly supposed to go have a little practice at hitting a golf ball with my friend, and he keeps changing his mind.

well, if you dont have time for me, i dont have time for you.

then again i am just a bit tetchy at the moment and i will probably feel better later. for your sake i hope you stick to sunday morning golfing with bbq breaky or the shit is going to severly hit the fan my friend.