wow... its monday morning, how the hell did that happen?
where did my weekend go, if indeed i had one, or if i have had one at any time these past few years?
*thinks, and shakes her head*
nope, i havent had a weekend for a few years, next question please.
skipped uni this morning, i hate monday morning lectures and the bastards that invented them... i know i should have gone and i feel pretty bad for not doing so. must make a concerted effort to go to monday lectures from now on.
i guess it wont be as hard to get out of bed in about a months time when the sun is up at 6am and its warm enough to ride to uni without my fingers or knees freezing.
hmmm... so whats been happening...hmmm.
lots of photography has been happening, though i think that i shall have to limit my creative exploits to a few hours every weekend so that i can fit enough study in for the semester. Im taking a calculus subject... this from a person who cant even remember how to do basic algebra, so thats going to be interesting and very study-intensive. i think i need to find a study group!
i should be studying for my stats exam on saturday... geez i HATE stats! i hope i pass though.
i cant believe just how crap i feel today, and im not getting home till after 1am, then have to be at uni at 8am tommorow.
perhaps i just wont sleep, thats probably a better option.