Saturday, November 13, 2004


though i am one, i will not understand them.
i think to them i seem frigid, stuck up and unapproachable.
perhaps i am, though more likely i am just bored.

what is this constant fascination with sex that brings people scurrying home from the streets with the first person they meet?
is time short? is it too easy to throw caution windward and procreate with gay abandon?
why do i find the very thought of bringing someone home after 3 hours of innane chatter rather obtuse?
is that what normal people do? am i some kind of freak?

how am i supposed to find your body attractive when i really dont like your mind?

i had a one night stand many years ago, i found this guys mind attractive, so his person seemed more attractive as a consequence. hours of innane chatter on biology and the environment made him a package i had to take home. Had we not talked about such mindful subjects i know i would have tired of him rather quickly, had my drinks and gone home alone thankyouverymuchindeed.

what is it that brings people all around me to take a punt on one nighters, bring them home and send them on their way. And why do i sit there and put up with the gut wrenching guilt that spouts from their mouths on the following days, how they never meet guys who like them for who they are, how its always sex and nothing else.

open your fucking eyes you silly little twats. you talk to them for 3 hours and this is the basis of a relationship? are you fucking kidding me?!!??
do you actually think a guy is going to give any thought to your feelings the next day? when you spread your legs after the first 3 hours i dont really think there is much basis for respect.

There is a time where i really feel i am much more evolved than humans, this is it.
i dont give a stuff about your body when it hasnt got a mind.


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